The Painted View

We would like to welcome you to our personal vacation home: The Painted View. We have always wanted a place that we could share with our close and dear friends, and we hope you enjoy it just has much as we do. It took a long time to put it together, finding unusual items to make it ours. Every time we come up to the cabin, we find something else we want to add or move or change, making it still exciting to us. We actually never want to leave, as I am expecting you to also never want to leave. Enjoy it; sit on the deck, bring out a blanket and listen to the wildlife while reading or relaxing.

We have listed some helpful hints about the maintenance and housekeeping. We have also included our favorite activities that we feel that you would enjoy as well as restaurants we love. We don’t have internet, but every TV station you could ever want. But we usually just want to relax in quiet. This may be you, too!

We are glad to share our home with you and we hope you enjoy your stay at The Painted View. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us either through, #704967, or call Christine 615-969-1789.

Visit Painter Ready, our commercial painting company website.